The High Seneschal
« A Stormcrow is a Stormcrow, whether wielding blade, bow, or both. Money remains the prime motivator in the Stormcrow mind, and extra coin can prod added effort from these mercenaries. Stormcrow Archers are adept in long-range combat, with recurved longbows and arrows made for distant flight. They’re not meant for melee, though their shortswords can fend off weakned attackers. Still, a wise commander will keep them far from flankers or cavalry. »
Vitesse | 5
Attaque (Mercenary’s Longbow)| 4+
Dés d’attaque (Mercenary’s Longbow) | 7 – 6 – 4
Attaque (Épée Courte)| 5+
Dés d’attaque (Épée Courte) | 5 – 4 – 3
Défense| 5+
Moral | 7+
Type d’unité | Infanterie
Coût | 6
Version | 2021
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