The High Seneschal
“In-keeping with the Baratheon doctrine of heavy armor, a R’hllor Lightbringer’s kit includes a scale shirt and plate helm, making them more capable than most archery units of withstanding direct assault. The extra protection aids in wielding their most potent weapon: fire. Lightbringer arrows are dipped in oil and ignited seconds before firing. The oil is sticky, and while it burns out quickly, can easily set materials ablaze on impact.”
Vitesse | 6
Attaque (Fire Arrows)| 3+
Dés d’attaque (Fire Arrows) | 7 – 6 – 4
Attaque (Daggers)| 3+
Dés d’attaque (Daggers) | 5 – 4 – 3
Défense| 4+
Moral | 6+
Type d’unité | Infanterie
Coût | 7
Version | 2021
Cette unité est disponible dans les extensions suivantes :