The High Seneschal
“House Karstark of Karhold is one of House Stark’s most faithful bannermen. When House Stark calls for aid, loyalist forces are quickly marshalled and sent into the field. While armed primarily with flails and shields, their main weapon is a truly steadfast belief in their cause. Wounds that might seem to put a man down will not bother them. They will simply refuse to break and run against a foe that they have a numerical advantage against.”
Vitesse | 5
Attaque (Flail)| 4+
Dés d’attaque (Flail) | 7 – 5 – 4
Défense| 4+
Moral | 6+
Type d’unité | Infanterie
Coût | 5
Version| 2021
Il n’existe à ce jour qu’une seule version des Loyalistes de la Maison Karstark (Karstark Loyalists).
Cette unité est disponible dans les extensions suivantes :